Welcome, welcome, welcome to my web site. Bowing to pressure from all sides, I have finally gotten one. I know there are many reasons people visit authors’ websites, and I hope this space will offer you exactly what you’re looking for. In addition to a brief autobiography, information about all of my books, dates of appearances, and an address where you can write me, you’ll find: recipes. Personal photos. Quotes and anecdotes and jokes that I love. Musings on daily life. Stories about one of my girlfriends or my dog, Homer, or my cat, Gracie, or my daughters or grandchildren or parents– or about someone I just happen to meet, perhaps even you! You’ll find, in short, things I might share with you if you were my friend. Because here’s what I know about most people who will frequent this site: if I met you, we probably would be friends.
So come on in, slip off your cyber shoes, and enjoy yourself. And when you’ve finished here, go and read a book. It doesn’t even have to be one of mine. (But if it is, thank you.)